Reflections and Contemplations on Education and such...

Education as I see it at Waukesha West and the world...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Its Been a While...

I have not been able to sit down and blog for a real excuses other than I have been engulfed in my work.  I give credit to those educators that find time to blog on a regular basis.  It takes a real commitment to run a great blog and I am going to try my best to find the time.... 

Moving on....flipped classroom has been getting a lot of press lately.  From Education Week, to USA Today, to my favorite article from Wired, flipped classroom has become somewhat of a cult phenom in education.  But if you really get into flipping you learn something really fast...its not really about the videos.  Sure...the videos are a part of the puzzle, but it is really about high quality instruction that is NOT lecturing.  Students need to be ENGAGED and a part of their own learning.

In my own crazy little world flipping and video lectures give me the class time and freedom to do this. Flipped classroom is not for everyone or not for every unit.  For is every unit it is how I believe in education and teaching.  I have spent more time with my students one on one, or in small groups than I ever have in my 12 years of teaching.  That is HUGE for the success of my students.  I was just talking to one of my students yesterday and loved being able to access content on our website whenever he wants to watch.  Pause, rewind, rematch are all things that my student can now do for homework and that is a great resource to provide for students. But the real winner in the flipped classroom is engagement and ownership of learning for students. That's the name of the game...

Add in 21st Century Skills like collaboration and creation and my students will be ready for the world...


  1. Can you share your website so that I can get a sense of what is being flipped? Love the idea but need to get a handle on the logistics.


  2. It is a Blackboard site so it is private...but I can try and send you a link to one of my videos.
